Reader Jerk Off Experiences

10 Bator Experiences that made us all cum in 2021

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We enjoyed so many awesome submissions from bators around the world in 2021. Even while most of us were sitting at home just itching to get out there and have some bator fun with our buddies we had plenty of entertainment in the form of readers sharing some of their best experiences.

We’ve picked some of the horniest or most interesting submissions from 2021 to share with you below, just in case you missed them the first time. These are experiences we know had you all jerking it while you read them, shooting off some good loads to the pleasures these readers have shared.

Sharing The House Fleshlight

In November Leon95 indulged us with his experience of jacking off to porn with his roommate, and how he was curious about swapping dicks and helping each other out. It kinda feels like they skipped a step when they bought a Fleshlight and decided to fill it up with their loads and share the gooey tunnel, like enjoying sloppy seconds in a MMF threesome. Still, it made a lot of us consider buying a Fleshlight and finding a buddy to full it with cum with us! Click to read the full post.

Mark’s Perfect Cock

If you’ve had a few bate buddies you could probably rank all the cocks you’ve encountered, but can you say any of them were the most awesome dick you ever saw? Reader Chris79 can say for certain that his wank mate’s dick is the most amazing he’s ever seen, and felt. He shared his experience of ogling a new buddy’s cock in the gym showers and how they got to rubbing the cum out of each other for the first time. Click here to read his experience.

Our Bate Club Has Grown To Eleven Guys!

We love it when readers submit their experiences telling us how the BuddyBate merch has helped them find local buddies. One of the most amazing experiences was submitted in June by Jacker7. He’d been meeting up with a few bators in Wichita when the pandemic hit but they moved their bates online and when they got back into in-person meetings they had new bators to play with! Click here to check out his full post.

Target Practice with Chris

Cum games can be so much fun. Over the years we’ve heard plenty of stories from bators who love to have distance contests with their buddies, but I think the experience shared by reader Drizzle was one of the best. Being 18 and constantly horny Drizzle and his buddy made the most of their first wank together, aiming their loads at a pellet gun target to see who could hit the bullseye! We all sure hit some new targets with our loads reading about their experience. Click here to enjoy it.

Gavin’s Long Cock Got Me Curious

One of the most common themes we hear from readers is the gym buddy bator experience. So many guys work out with their buddies and it leads to a lot of cock being displayed and admired. An anonymous submitter in April shared what little experience he had with his friend “Gavin”, checking out his huge cock in the showers and catching his buddy hard and wanking it. Us fans of gym bating and workout buddies really enjoyed it, but click here to check it out for yourself.

The First Buddy I Jacked

We all remember the first buddy we jacked off with. MarriedBob started in college while at UT Austin in the 80s. He shared his experience of beating his meat with his roommate and how they progressed to jacking each other when he caught his roommate and another buddy giving each other a hand. Even if you never had a college roommate you can probably all imagine how good it would be to have that early start to the bator lifestyle. It certainly made a lot of us spooge reading his experience! Click here to enjoy it.

Wank in the Maintenance Room

Sometimes the best bate buddies are the ones you find accidentally, the guys who just don’t give a fuck and will get their dick out to shoot a load to some good porn when they have the opportunity. Reader Luke88 had one such experience, which he shared with us in March. Taking porn magazines into work he eventually caught his buddy Ewan wanking off over them in the maintenance room. You can probably guess how it went, and why we all shot a good load thinking about having either of them as a buddy. Read his story by clicking here.

Caught Guys Wanking

A lot of readers really love incidental and accidental wank experiences and that’s what we got from reader Dylan in February. After interrupting a bator in the seldom-used open showers at the gym he had another experience of interrupting a couple of bators helping each other out at the urinals in a local pub after closing. Even though Dylan was still waiting for his first hands-on experience when he submitted his post his submission really had a lot of us gym bators and urinal cruisers rubbing along at the thought! Click for his experience.

Spring Break Glory Hole

Not all bators are into glory hole experiences, but those who are definitely shot a load or two reading about Cole’s experience with a buddy over Spring Break in Miami. He was nervous about it when his buddy suggested they just go and get blown at the private local glory hole, but although he thought he might just hang back he was soon tempted to get his load sucked out, and got the opportunity to grab another dick for the first time, too. Click here to check out his experience.

Gym Bate With My Buddy’s Dad

Clearly, a lot of experiences take place in gyms and men’s rooms, or with roommates or buddies who are comfortable with nudity. That was the case for reader James. We really enjoyed his experience of jacking off at his buddy’s dad’s gym, with his buddy’s dad! To most readers it was obviousl his buddy’s dad has a long history of jacking it with guys, but it was great reading James’ experience of his induction into the bator lifestyle and I think we all wanted to be a member of that gym by the time we’d shot a load off reading about it. Click here to enjoy his experience.

These are just a few of the many awesome submissions we had from readers last year, but we deem them some of the best of the bunch.

We can’t wait to see what you guys share with us in 2022, we’re certain there’s going to be plenty to have us all rubbing along and dreaming about being in your shoes.

As always, we’re waiting for you to share yours. Visit the Contact Page to get started.

Do you agree with our picks? Which submissions had your cock rigid and wet with precum? Leave a comment below.




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3 years ago

So many of these made me spurt off a big load! My fave of the bunch has to be the glory hole story from Cole. I had so many great glory hole experiences of my own in the 80s and it took me right back to those scenes of guys working their cocks all around me while taking turns at the hole. Might not be what a lot of other bators are into but all the jacking that goes on between guys is one of the best things about a busy gh.

3 years ago

Definitely the Fleshlight experience. I love cum. I shot so much jizz thinking about sharing a toy and sliding into it with my buds hot load squelching out all around my cock!

3 years ago

I always love all the stories and experiences to it’s hard to pick a favourite out of these but the target practice one was so good I wanted to find a mate to have cum contests with.

3 years ago

I love wanking with experienced older and masculine men so the gym bate experience from James gets my vote. I need to find a gym with a daddy like that who wants to have fun after closing! 🙂

2 years ago

I love reading about guys getting caught stroking themselves. Really enjoy reading about guys exploring the 1st experience with being stroked off by another male. Especially the ones where guys have their 1st experience with mutual stroking pleasures and feeling another guy’s cock jumping and pulsating in their hands. It gets me very excited and turned on reading about being caught stroking yourself!
I love hearing about a guy’s 1st experience with being stroked and sucked off by another guy.

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