We hear it a lot from bators – they’ve made contact with a fellow bator and need a place to meet up, or they have a local community and just need a place to get together.
Below you’ll find each city or town in which we’ve found a suitable location, whether it’s an adult cinema, a bathhouse, sauna or somewhere else.
While saunas and bathhouses might mostly be frequented by gay and bi men, there’s no reason you can’t hop along with a friend and make use of their facilities.
We’ll soon be adding temporary tattoos to the range of BuddyBate merch, allowing you to show off your intent in the gym showers, at the beach, in the club or to find other bators just like you at the bathhouse or sauna when you arrange a time.
Have a location you’d like to add? Visit the CONTACT page and let us know, we’ll see if it meets our criteria.