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Is jackinChat Dead?

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Many of our readers here will know about the legendary forum, but is jackinChat dead?

For more than two decades it’s served eager bators around the world. It’s allowed members to communicate freely about their most intimate hobbies and interests. Not only that, it’s helped a lot of men realize what they’re into.

You could find all kinds of discussions and all manner of groups to join in with. It was one of the reasons we here at BuddyBate held off for so long on adding a forum of our own. We do now have one, but it’s not utilized as much as we had hoped.

Most of you have probably been members there at one time or another. I know I have been around those forums more than a few hundred times.

In November of 2023 the site went into “read only”. This meant no one could add content, communicate with each other or really do much of anything.

The owner of the forum has put this down to spam and malicious activity from rogue elements. We certainly know the feeling.

Not only do we have to contend with routine spam attacks from people fruitlessly trying to sell garbage products like fake Viagra and “size” pills, we see sometimes hundreds of fake accounts being created every week. Hundreds sign up for our newsletter. We have to weed through these to determine whether they’re genuine or not.

I could write a book about the experiences I’ve had in this business over the last twenty years.

The closure of the jackinChat forum was intended to be temporary. The author of the statement released in November suggested they would be updating the platform and coming back “soon”.

We’re very nearly three months on from that statement, so I’m beginning to wonder whether it will be back at all.

We wish them well, despite the fact they banned our ads from being served on their site for no apparent reason. lol

Do you have any good or bad memories from being a member of the jackinChat forums?

Will they be back better than ever or is jackinChat dead?

Is this the end of one of the biggest masturbation communities in the world?

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.




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1 year ago

The chat room was fun for chatting while I edged.. But it got old after a few years lol

1 year ago

Luckily it is not dead. The owner has created a new Jackin Chat forum. While not quite as active as the old one, the new format is quite nice.

Rod and the mods seem to be on top of the problems from the old site. They use Discord now for their chat rooms.

1 year ago

I think my last post got deleted becuase it had a link in it. Admin, please correct me if I was wrong.
But there is a new version of JackinChat now. Run by the owner of the old site. They use Discord now for their chat rooms.

If it is ok with Admin here, I am happy to share links privately.

Keep it up!

1 year ago

I was a very active member of Jackinchat and as this post says it was one of the first places that filled in a lot of blanks for me personally. I had literally hundreds of posts on there, too bad it has fallen by the wayside as have so many others.

1 year ago

I wanted to come back and add that the last time I tried to go on Jackinchat’s site my browser issued a warning page the site was not considered safe for malware etc. Something it had not been doing in the past. Not long after that I read in some other forums people asking things like ” Anybody Know What Happened To Jackinchat? ” and similar questions so I’m thinking the issue of maintaining the site may have just worn the site owner down to the point of throwing in the towel.

1 year ago
Reply to  BuddyBateBrad

Thanks Brad , I’d certainly check out the new site with updates and features,I could tell it was a very dated format even the first time I visited.

1 year ago

I found my first bate bud on Jackinchat. We had regular sessions for a couple of years and his was the first cock I ever sucked. I was sorry to see it go, but the amount of spam no doubt overwhelmed the owners of the site. Thankfully we still have Buddybate, Bateworld and Silverdaddies.

11 months ago

Back when I founded the original jackinchat 25+ years ago I never thought it would be around this long.

I am sad that it’s gone this direction but I am happy with the involvement of Rod and the other staff with myself included that we run the thriving discord for it as well as the new site. Rod set it up and it’s amazing at dealing with the spam issues that plagued the other site.

11 months ago

This comprehensive reply by Jackin.Chat creator and former moderator of Jackinchat.com Rod has been moved to a full post which can be read here.

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